Vaughan Oliver

Vaughan Oliver might be better known through the design firms through which he’s worked, v23 and 23 Envelope, but his aesthetic speaks for itself. The British designer has created countless works for various indie artists since the early 1980s, the vast (vast!) majority of his commissions for the long-running label 4AD. Frankly, almost every artist on the label has had something designed by Oliver at some point, from the Cocteau Twins to the Pixies, TV on the Radio, The Breeders, Mountain Goats and Throwing Muses. That barely scratches the surface, but no matter how different his work can be depending on the individual piece, there are always distinct themes to be found. There’s always a keen, sleek typographic element, often juxtaposed with an ambiguous or abstract image. His work balances an elegant order with a kind of beautiful chaos. And it’s pretty much always gorgeous, even when it’s at its most bizarre.