Алхимики за работой

Alchemist's Laboratory : «Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae» by Heinrich Khunrath, 1595

Woodcut from Hieronymus Braunschweig «Das Buch zu distillieren», Strassburg, 1519

Woodcut from Lazarus Ercker «Beschreibung allerfurnemisten mineralischen Ertzt unnd Bergkwercks arten», 1598

Woodcut frontispiece from Annibal Barlet «Le vray et methodique cours...», Paris, 1651

Frontispiece to J. J. Becher «Oedipus chimicus», Amsterdam, 1664

An emblem that came to be known as the «Twelfth Key of Basil Valentine» first appeared in a book from 1599, «Ein kurtz summarischer Tractat» (Basilius Valentinus)

«Distillatio» by Jan van der Straet, originally published in his «Nova Reperta» series from the 1580's

Facies Interna Laboratorium Academici Traiectini 1698 ; (Interior View of a Laboratory at the University of Utrecht) ; «Pyrosophia, Succinte atque Breviter Iatro-Chemiam, rem Metallicam et Chrysopoeiam Pervestigans» by Johann Conrad Barchusen, 1698

«L'alchimiste» (after) 1769, Original painting by David Teniers (before 1690). This version engraved by Jacques-Louis Pérée, 1769

«Le Chimiste De la Galerie de S.A.S. Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans»

«Tiré du Cabinet de Mr. le Brun» .Original painting by Thomas Wyck. This version engraved by Louis-Claude Le Grand sometime in the 1700's

Le Docteur Alchimiste (18th cent.)
Original painting by David Teniers (before 1690). This version engraved by Jacques Nicolas Tardieu sometime in the 1700's

«Cabala, Speculum Artis Et Naturae In Alchymia» by Stephan Michelspacher (1654)

19th century painting Possibly by or in the style of Charles Meer Webb (1830-95)

Pieter Brueghel the Elder. «An Alchemist at work», mid 16th cent.

David Rijckaert III

Johannes Stradanus, «An Alchemist’s Laboratory». 1570 . Oil on slate.Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

«Trouble Comes to the Alchemist». Unknown Dutch School Painter , 17th -18th century

«The Alchemist», William Fettes Douglas (1822–1891)

«An explosion in a laboratory», unknown author

Adam McLean, «The alchemist working in his laboratory». This oil painting is McLean's facsimile copy of a 17th century painting by David Teniers

«An alchemist in his laboratory», James Nasmyt

Balthasar van den Bossche, «An alchemist in his laboratory»

David Teniers the Younger

Mattheus van Helmont

Adrian van Ostade, «The Alchemists»

«The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus», Joseph Wright of Derby

«An alchemist in his laboratory», David Teniers the Younger

«The Alchemist», Joseph Leopold Ratinckx

«The Alchemist», Francois-Marius Granet

«The Dead Alchemist», Elihu Vedder