fine art XXI vol.2

 Tomás Sanchez — Thought Cloud

Toner — Silk Road

Vanessa Stockard — Untitled (Satan on Chair)

Yassine Balbzioui — Butterflies

Aris Kalaizis — The Night Before the Silence Dies

Atia Islam Anne — Insulin

Bob Frissell — You are a spiritual being having a human experience

Devin Leonardi — Two Friends on the Shore of Long Island

Djordje Ozbolt — Last Year’s Fashion

Fred Tomaselli — Expulsion from the Garden

Gail Potocki — Freaks

Giovanni Tilotta — Daily Life

Мария Сафронова — Невеста

Jeff Jordan — Curiosity

Lisa Yuskavage — Still Life

Norman Engel — The Scream

Владимир Дубосарский, Алексей Виноградов — Летний день

Paul Pretzer — Der Polar

Quint Buchholz — If You Catch Moonlight

Zoe Hawk — The Ladies’ Room

Tomás Sánchez — Pensamiento–Nube (Мысль–Облако)

Stephen Magsig — City Lights

Roberto Fabelo — Nymph and faun in the little theater

Robert Fontanelli - Daddy Table

Risto Suomi — Zen II