fine art XXI

 Aldo Requena — The Pact

Aleksandra Bujnowska — Untitled

Barbara Komaniecka — Melancholia

Bill Mayer — Lapin Noir

Caitlyn Grabenstein — Reality's End

Charles Keiger — Fire Eater

Dana Ellyn — Le Vegan

Djordje Ozbolt — Every time you smoke god kills a kitten

Gregory Block — Strawberry Fields

Iris Scott — Chicken of the Sea

Joanna Karpowicz — Cyclist and UFO

Joanna Karpowicz — Summertime Sadness

ohn Squire — No Signal

Jorge Mascarenhas — The Goat Whisperer

Karl Hartman — Gust Front

Michaël Borremans — Girl Eating

Miroslav Polách — The Dostojevskij Reader

Naoya Inose — I Trust You

Nicholas Chistiakov — Study for a Catfight

Noel McKenna — Dog at Dinner Table

Patrick Winfield — That There That’s Not Me

Sam Heydt — The Future Is

Saner — El extraño dentro de una multitud

Sheryl Humphrey — Flower of the Dark Sun