
18+ 2 Стенберг 2 А. Ступин Абраксас Аксели Галлен-Каллела Александр Петросян Александр Тышлер Алексей Юпатов астролоХия Атласы и карты Боги и приближенные Борис Михайлов Василий Кандинский Василий Шульженко Вася Ложкин Виктор Пивоваров Владимир Дудкин Владимир Любаров Владимир Татлин Владимир Яковлев Володимир Лобода Гелий Коржев Гермес/Меркурий Дизайн & ART Дмитрий Бальтерманц Дмитрий Краснопевцев Дьявол Евгений Бутенко Живопись Здоровье Иван Крамской Игральные карты История Кадр! Казимир Малевич Карл Юнг Кино Кузьма Петров-Водкин Лазарь Лисицкий Лаокоон Лёня Пурыгин Луна Люди Маньеризм Междуречье/Вавилон Меламид и Комар Микалоюс Чюрлёнис Мифология Михаил Клочков Михаил Шемякин моей камерой На бумаге Наука / около науки / Tech Не наука. Критика Никита Поздняков Николай Вечтомов Николай Калмаков Павел Филонов Парис Пётр Дик Религии ретро/старина Роман Минин Селена / Диана / Артемис Серапис символы Собаки & Co Солнечная система Солянка социум СПИД СССР-РФ Стихии Таро Тень ТРИВА фашизм Физиогномика Философия Церера / Деметра Цугухару Фудзита ШЗ Элевсинские мистерии Эрик Булатов Этника Afarin Sajedi Agostino Arrivabene Al Johanson Alberto Giacometti Albrecht Durer Alex Gross Alfred Kubin Ami Vitale Anders Krisár Andre Kertesz Andre Masson Andreas Feininger Andreas Gursky Andrew Wyeth Andy Kehoe Andy Lee Annie Leibovitz Anthony Freda Anton Corbijn ART - неформат Arthur Tress Austin Osman Spare Basil Ivan Rakoczi Beautiful Earth Bernard Buffet Bill Brandt Björk Bolesław Biegas Brassaï Burial Burton Pritzker Canaletto Cars Caspar David Friedrich Charles Le Brun Daniel Martin Diaz Daniel Richter David Alan Harvey David Hockney David Salle David Sims Davide Bonazzi Death Diego Rivera Diego Velazquez Diego Velázquez Dolk Lundgren Dorothea Lange Edvard Munch Edward Hopper Egon Schiele Elihu Vedder Elliott Erwitt Ernst Haas Ernst Stöhr Erwin Olaf Ethan Murrow Eyvind Earle Federico Babina Ferdinand Hodler Ferenc Pinter Fernand Leger Francesc Català-Roca Francesco Clemente Francis Bacon Francis Picabia Francisco Goya Franco Gentilini François Rabelais František Kupka Franz Mark Franz von Stuck Fred Martin Frédéric Benrath Freeman John Dyson Frida Kahlo Fun Geoffroy De Boismenu Georges Braque Georges Seurat Gil Elvgren Gilbert & George Giorgio de Chirico Giorgio Morandi Giotto di Bondone Giuseppe Maria Mitelli Gustave Dore Gustave Moreau Hans Baluschek Hans Burgkmair the Elder Hans Christian Andersen Hans Giger Heckel Jürgen Helmut Newton Hendrick Goltzius Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Henrik Knudsen Henry Darger Herb Ritts Herluf Bidstrup Hilma af Klint Hokusai Humor Irving Amen Irving Penn Jacek Yerka Jack Kerouac Jacques Henri Lartigue Jake Baddeley Jan Saudek Jan Vermeer Jared Lim Jean Fautrier Jean-François Millet Jean-Michel Basquiat Jeff Wall Jheronimus Bosch Jimm Carrey Joan Miro Joe Tilson Joel-Peter Witkin Johann Heinrich Füssli Joseba Eskubi Juan Gris Juan Martinez Bengoechea Juha Arvid Helminen Jules Dupré Julius Diez Kalle Gustafsson Kathe Kollwitz Keith Haring Ken Currie Kurt Schwitters Leah Saulnier Lee Miller Leonardo Da Vinchi Leonora Carrington Lewis Wickes Hine Loui Jover Lucas Zimmermann Lucian Michael Freud Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer Lucio Fontana Luigi Bussolati Lyonel Feininger Man Ray Marcel Duchamp Mark Rothko Masahisa Fukase Massimo Biondi Massive Attack Matthew Barney Matthew Rolston Maurits Cornelis Escher Max Ernst Mikael Jansson Mitch Dobrowner Music Neo Rauch New York Nick Knight Nick Veasey Nicolas de Staël No respect OBEY Occult Oscar Dominguez Oscar Howe Otto Dix Outmane Amahou Pat Perry Paul Cadmus Paul Cézanne Paul Delvaux Paul Laffoley Peter Keetman Pierre Soulages Pieter Bruegel de Oude Pilar Zeta Powell Survey Radu Belcin Ralph Gibson Randy Mora Ray K. Metzker Remedios Varo Renato Guttuso René Magritte Ricardo Cavolo Richard Estes Richard Prince right life Robert Del Naja Robert Longo Roberto Matta Roy Lichtenstein Ryan Hewett Sam Abell Santa Muerte Saul Bass Sebastião Salgado Sergio Toppi Sigmar Polke Simon Larbalestier Simone Martini Sophisticated Stanley Kubrick Stanley Milgram Stars Steve Mills Storm Thorgerson style The look Theodor Kittelsen Timothy Leary Tom Deininger Toni Schneiders TOP's Travel Travis Collinson Universe Vaughan Oliver Vincent van Gogh Wayne Thiebaud Werner Schnelle Wilhelm Sasnal Willi Sitte William Barry Roberts William Blake William Conger William Eggleston Wolfgang Paalen X-files Yayoi Kusama Zaha Hadid Zichy Mihaly ψ

 Lynyrd Narciso tarot

Phil Cooper tarot

Erik K. Lerner created the artwork for the Radiant Spleen Tarot 

Emi Tarot's by Franco Coletti based on Alice

Graphik Tarocchi

Counterculture Tarot

Tarot Noir / Robyn Tisch

Akira Uno/The Spiritual Tarot

Spirit Tarot by Pamela Eakins

Jane Rades/The 1969 Tarot

The Tarot of the Zirkus Magi  by Doug Thornsjo

The Argentinian artist Maria Bertone exhibited her tarot paintings at the Maria Bonita Gallery in Buenos Aires in January 2013

Fantarocco by Franco Anichini

This is the Tarotversek or Tarot poems by Banki Balint

El Tarot de las Mafias  by the Italian publisher De Vecchi

Trance Tarot by Eva Maria Nitsche

"Born in USSR" tarot  by Alexander Danilov

Alexander Danilov tarot

The Tarot of the Dark Dawn  by Rick Roth and Cody Stoltz

Marco Iannaccone

George Pantoulas

The eclectic ART Tarot by D76

Emilo Ortu Lieto

Contrada del Leocorno's 2001

Masahiro Obara

The 22 Tarots Divinatoires  by J.R. Kahn

Moorea/Tahiti is the Tarot of T. Oger

Johannes Tassilo Gruber

The Tarot of Robert Ellaby 

Trocal's originele Tarot

Zombie tarot  by Paul Kepple

Gomez Gomez Hermanos Editores

Tarocchi della Notte by Maria Carmen Franca

Le Tarot des Origines

Graphik Tarocchi

Tarot Azteque

Parrott Tarot

Zevola Oreste Tarot

 Tarocchi di Verona

The Linol Tarot by Gerhard Haack

Kojiki Tarot designed by Seiko Kisaki

Ogasa Shin

Lynyrd Narciso/Tarot Rikit

Astrocards of Frederic Maisonblanche

Iona tarot  by Giona Fiochi

The Pictarot was issued in Germany in late 2010

Emily Carding's Tarot of the Black Mountain

O Tarot do Amor  by Vinicius Pradella

Dame Fortune Roue Tarot

Bharat/Nagy Tarot, a majors only deck created by Joshi Bharat and Laszlo Nagy in 1992

Hive Gallery tarot

Pai Thai Payakorn Tarot  by Narudol Wijitranon

Pearls of Wisdom Tarot

Tarot of Ceremonial Magick by Constance DuQuette

 Im Haus der Gefiederten Schlange ("In the House of the Feathered Snake") by Frederick Hetman.The artwork is by Tilman Michalski.

The Kitchen Tarot by Susan Shie

Massimo Biondi's designs for a 'Manierando Tarot'

The Kenzo Psy-Chic Tarot  by the fashion label Kenzo

Misuzi Itateyama

Tarot de Los Suenos (Tarot of Dreams) by Silvia Ordoqui 

The Blue Birds' Tarot

Halloween Tarot by Rodney Howington.

Wild Unknown Tarot

The Lost Tarot of Nostradamus

Dishonored/Jeu de Tarot for the 'Game of Nancy'

El Tarot de las Mafias is a rather well produced deck issued by the Italian publisher De Vecchi

The Tarot of the Absurd by Jessica Rose Shanahan

Tarot by Dominic Murphy

The Dark Carnival Tarot  by Rachel Paul

Michael Jacobs' Ten and Twenty Two subtitled "A Journey through the Paths of Wisdom".

Tapisserie Tarot by Yvonne G. Jensen

Majikian’s TAROT by Todd Pendu

Fradella adventure tarot  by J.P.Dupras

Lisa Chow

Mathematics Tarot by Karen West

The Robo Tarot

Mystic sea tarot by Julia Turk

Elsa Dax

AEG-Telefunken version of the Tarot de Marseilles

Taroth de los Bohemios Papus

The Triomphes MMXII

Crows Magick Tarot by Corbeau Magique

The Web Tarot

Jon Stetson tarot

Tarot de Mars by Quentin Faucompre.

Le Tarot de Sète  by the artist d'Hervé DiRosa

The Tarot "Droga" (the road or way)  by Barbara Marzena Mirewicz-Czumaczenko

The Sacred India Tarot

The Incidental Tarot by Holly DeFount

Le Tarot des Tailleurs de Pierre (the Tarot of the Stonemasons)

Zerner Farber Tarot

Silent Tarot  by Esmeralda Rupp-Spangle

The Entroal Percorso ("into the path") tarot by the Italian sculptor Martino Barbieri

The Golden Dawn Temple Tarot  by Nick Farrell and Harry 

The Tarocchi Psicologici by Susanna Viale

Iowan's Tarot  by Iowan Stone-Flowers

The Rosetta Tarot  by M.M. Meleen

Geomantic Tarot

I Tarocchi della Cattedrale by Federico Manicardi

The Black Fantasy Tarot by Angela Xu

Une rêverie sur le Tarot de Gérard de Nerval

Melthelm Abstract Tarot

The Tarot of the Holy Light by Christine Payne-Towler and Michael Dowers

The Quel Tarot by Kelley Kolberg

Oleg Mitrofanov tarot

The Tarot de Madrid

Robyn-Anne Pollard

Raven's Fool Tarot.

The Sinister Tarot  by Christos Beest

Black Ibis Tarot

The Tarot Galego or Galician tarot was created by Manuel Aneiros and Xosé Vizoso

Urban tarot by Robin Scott

 Tarocchi Futurismo created by Osvaldo Menegazzi

Tarot del Universo 

Tharhots 1313

Ryuji Kagami

Russian Propaganda Style Tarot by FragOcon (Alex Frood)

Tarot Santero

Beth Seilonen's latest tarot is called Awareness

Wild Wood Tarot by Mark Ryan and John Matthews

 Le Tarot du Cosmos

Tarot Necronómico issued with a book by J. Fernando Pérez-Vigo

The Hawaiian Aloha Tarot

Jung Tarot

Juan Candon

Jose Roosevelt & Marie-Claire Dewarrat

Darkana tarot by Dan Donche and Janden Hale

Tarocchi Gay Orsi aka gay Bears by Emilio Ortu Lieto

Tarot of the Midnight Masquerade - Robyn Tisch Hollister

Beth Seilonen 

Taylor Mccall Tarot Prints

Wormweird Tarot - The Path To Enlightment Has Never Been So Dark - George Higham

Histoire, Structure Et Symbolisme Du Tarot - /aka Jacquot Lithographs

 "I Tarocchi Sardi " by Italian Emilio Ortu Lieto

I Tarocchi Metafisici by Emilio Ortu Lieto

Le tarot des Alchimistes

Le Tarot de l'Imaginaire by Ferenc Pinter

Christine Zillich

Samuel Djian-Gutenberg

Kaz Blennerhassett "Смерть", Luca Bergamini "Башня"

Claudio Parentela. "Луна", "Отшельник"


Alessandro Perinelli, "Колесница"

Alexandra Genetti, "Дьявол"

Andrea Picini, "Дьявол"

Andrea Franzoni, "Паж Мечей"

Annamaria Finetti, "Дурак"

Caterina Foresi, "Луна"

Catya Plate, "Суд"

Cesare Iezzi, "Император"

Chris Paradis, "Башня"

Claudio Cappelli, "Смерть"

Cristian Finoia, "Справедливость"

Damon Keen, "Мир"

Dan Donche, "Смерть"

Daniele Davalli, "Фокусник"

Dario Rivarossa, "Повешенный"

Desma Howarth, "Рыцарь Монет"


Enrico Musenich, "Дьявол"

Enrico Musenich, "Колесница"

Francesca Ricci, "Башня"

Franco Lista, "Суд"

Fulgor Silvi, "Смерть"

Gianmaria Potenza, "Солнце"

Gianni Predieri, "Папесса"

Gianni Rossi, "Папа"

Giovanni Gaggia. "Дурак", "Сила"

Giuliana Cusino. "Дьявол", "Башня"

Giuliana Nespeca. "Повешенный", "Смерть"

Giuseppe Antonello Leone, "Папесса"

Guido Giordano, "Дурак"

Iassen Ghiuselev. "Сила", "Папа"

JESSICA ANGIULLI. "Сила", "Король Дубинок"

Maria Cristina Fioretti, "Солнце"


Mauro Capitani, "Солнце"

Michel Della Vedova, "Луна"


Miguel Jimenez, "Дурак"

Monica Pennazzi, "Луна"

Gianni Noli. "Отшельник"